Katelynn's Report Data Portal Overview

Katelynn's Report data portal provides a platform for investors, financial researchers to search, download, and analyze datasets generated by Katelynn's Report. It contains both raw and fine grained, calibrated information that covers the fundamentals of public traded companies, institutional holding details, and statistical summaries. All data come into Katelynn's Report are digested and stored efficiently in MySQL, the world's most popular open source database, which saves users the overhead of dealing with highly diversified data formats.

Data Scope Table Name MySQL Table Name Description Recording/Period Start Date Size(GB) Compressed Estimated Original Size(G) Row Count Last Update Accessibility
XBRL financial report (XBRL-minisql) XBRL index xbrls Header information of each XBRL filing, including filing date, unique filing name fingerprint, ticker name, cik, and et ac 2013-01-01 0.05 N - 456308 2025-02-01 08:13:07 -0600 Tier 4
XBRL architecture xbrlpres Architectures for presentation,calculation,definition linkbases at per filing level 2013-01-01 43.68 Y 196.56 220982438 2025-02-01 08:13:07 -0600 Tier 4
XBRL data xbrldts Contains the actual data value in each xbrl filing 2013-01-01 38.65 Y 193.25 133355089 2025-02-01 08:13:07 -0600 Tier 4
XBRL schema definition xbrlxsds Schema definitions for company specific elements and general purpose elements 2013-01-01 0.12 N - 856891 2025-02-01 08:13:07 -0600 Tier 4
XBRL namespace xbrlnspcs Mapping between namespace abbreviation, full namespace, and schema location. 2013-01-01 0.21 N - 1372692 2025-02-01 08:13:07 -0600 Tier 4
Financial data & key Ratios Key ratios mjdatacombs Historical data of key ratios as well as corresponding industry, sector, market quantiles 2019-01-05 3.48 N - 1873278 2025-02-04 08:45:17 -0600 Tier 3
Balance sheet x_balancesheet Historical data of balance sheet information (e.g. assets, liabilities, shareholder's equity) 2004-12-31 0.03 N - 171664 2025-02-01 08:13:30 -0600 Tier 3
Income statement x_income Historical data of income statement (e.g. revenue, grossprofit, operating income) 2004-12-31 0.04 N - 190237 2025-02-01 08:13:30 -0600 Tier 3
Income statement (12 months ended) income12monthends Historical data of 12 months ended income statement 2012-11-30 0.02 N - 77942 2025-02-04 08:45:17 -0600 Tier 3
Cash flow x_cashflow Historical data of cash flow (e.g. cash flow from operating, investing, financing) 2005-12-31 0.02 N - 162544 2025-02-01 08:13:30 -0600 Tier 3
Shares outstanding history x_so Historical data of shares outstanding 1905-12-31 0.01 N - 186696 2025-02-01 08:13:30 -0600 Tier 3
Stock split history splits Stock split history 2016-05-24 0.0 N - 6178 2025-02-04 20:00:02 -0600 Tier 3
13F holding 13F quarterly holding form13fqtrs Period holding shares/values of each IVC, using the latest information available 1987-03-31 1.1 N - 24886949 2025-02-01 06:57:30 -0600 Tier 5
13F holding change form13fchgs Changes in IVC period holding shares/values, relative to the last period 2017-01-03 2.86 N - 22339730 2025-02-01 06:57:30 -0600 Tier 5
13F holding quantile form13fhldqtls Quantile ranking of holding percentage (holding/shares outstanding) relative to industry, sector peers, and the whole market 2014-03-29 0.37 N - 4664622 2025-02-01 06:57:30 -0600 Tier 5
Projected real time holding form13frealtimes Snapshot of IVC holding shares of a security at certain timepoint, using the latest information available 2022-05-02 15.74 N - 178416731 2025-02-01 06:57:30 -0600 Tier 5
IVC trading rank ivcranks Ranking for three-month and six-month holding percentage (relative to shares outstanding) changes, as well as corresponding industry, sector, market quantiles Updated weekly 0.0 N - 7153 2025-02-01 23:04:44 -0600 Tier 5
SC 13G/13D Schedule 13G/13D form13gds Schedule 13G and 13D filings 2015-01-02 0.04 N - 169464 2025-02-01 08:10:15 -0600 Tier 4
Schedule 13G/13D quantile form13gdqtls Three month and six month ended overall quantile position of the number of 13G/13D filing for a certain security - 0.0 N - 19404 2025-02-01 08:10:15 -0600 Tier 4
Insider Trading Form 3/4/5 form345s Form 3, Form 4, Form 5 filings, with transaction/holding shares relative to shares outstanding of corresponding period 2014-01-02 0.73 Y 1.83 4812674 2025-02-01 06:40:01 -0600 Tier 3
Insider holding insiderholdings Most recent holding shares (combined direct and indirect ownership) reported by insiders. Updated daily 0.03 N - 118242 2025-02-01 06:40:02 -0600 Tier 3
Insider trading rank isdranks Three-month and six-month insider trading count (code P,L,S,D) as well as industry, sector, market quantiles Updated daily 0.0 N - 6935 2025-02-04 06:46:14 -0600 Tier 3
Quantitative Investment Daily/Weekly Technical Indicators tech_comb Combination of daily and weekly technical indicators Updated daily, data kept for 30 days 0.12 N - 228564 2025-02-04 21:43:00 -0600 Tier 3
Daily/Weekly Technical Crossover tech_tradingsignal Daily and weekly technical crossover signals Updated daily, data kept for 30 days 0.02 N - 224377 2025-02-04 21:43:00 -0600 Tier 3
IVC holding IVC industry level holding ivcidshlds Industry level IVC holding values of current and historical reporting periods 1987-03-31 0.2 N - 4014198 2025-02-01 08:10:11 -0600 Tier 5
IVC sector level holding ivcsechlds Sector level IVC holding values of current and historical reporting periods 1987-03-31 0.05 N - 1020175 2025-02-01 08:10:11 -0600 Tier 5
ETF Form N-Q formnq* A series of tables (formnqmain, formnqcatgcostvalue, formnqcatgstrt, formnqseriesinfo, formnqcontractinfo, formnqfundcatg, formnqsecurity) containing the information parsed from unstructured Form N-Q / Form N-CSR filings 2008-03-31 2.51 N - - 2025-02-04 06:47:35 -0600 Tier 4
Form 485 form485* A series of tables (form485main, form485annrtn, form485avgrtn, form485expeg, form485prdmtc) containing the information parsed from Form 485 XBRL filings 1999-12-31 0.21 N - - 2024-05-17 23:33:19 -0500 Tier 4
ID Mappings Ticker to cik mapping symciks Manually maintained ticker to cik mapping - 0.0 N - 10353 2024-11-28 08:23:18 -0600 Tier 3
Ticker annotation tickeranno Manually maintained ticker ipo year, industry code, sector code - 0.0 N - 7292 2024-11-28 08:06:36 -0600 Tier 3
Standard industry classification sics Mapp sic code to industry name - N - 449 - Tier 3
CIK to company address mapping compadrs Central index key to company name and address mapping - 0.09 N - 10353 2025-02-04 06:41:30 -0600 Tier 3
GSTIDSEC to FIGI mapping gstidsec2figis Manually maintained GSTIDSEC to FIGI mapping - 0.01 N - 50086 2025-02-02 20:16:53 -0600 Tier 5
GSTID annotation gstidanno Manually maintained mapping between GSTIDCPN, GSTIDSEC, issuer name, security type - 0.0 N - 10071 2025-02-01 06:53:20 -0600 Tier 5
Industry code to NAICS and industry name idscode2naics Mapping internal industry code to NAICS code and industry name - N - 108 Tier 5
Sector code to sector name seccode2sectors Mapping internal sector code to sector name - N - 13 Tier 5
Others Late filing latefiling Late filing history for Form 10-Q, 10-K, 20-F, 11-K, and et ac 2016-01-01 0.0 N - 5796 2025-02-04 06:45:30 -0600 Tier 3
Delisting delisting Delisting history filed on Form 25 and Form 25 NSE 2014-01-01 0.0 N - 3819 2025-02-01 08:10:16 -0600 Tier 3

IVC: Investment company

Dataportal Access Instruction

As the world's most popular open source database, MySQL has well documented official or third party APIs that cover almost all compiled languages (e.g. C,C++,JAVA) and scripting languages (e.g. R,Perl,Ruby). As the simplest choice, you can also export data to comma or tab delimited text file and analyze/present with excel, although this is not recommended for large dataset. Please check Dataportal Access Instruction for details on how to establish dataportal connection and learn about data retrieval skill.