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Issuer Name: Hamilton Insurance Group Ltd. State/Country: BERMUDA IPO: 2023 CIK: 1593275
Industry: others Sector: others Fiscal Year End: Dec 31

Institutional Sentiment ?


C: 7 / 7
S: 674751 / 80777


C: 101 / 24
S: 30.23 M / 3.55 M
Holding Shares: 60.83 Mil (Pct:95.0% 3M:19.0% 1Yr:95.0%) Institutions reported:? 13/127 (Acq:53% Dis:30% Res:15% Sold out:30%) SC 13g/13d:? 3M:3(mktqtl:0.96) 6M:3(mktqtl:0.94)
Industry Quantile: 92.0% (3M:4.0% 1Yr:28.0%) Sector Quantile: 93.0% (3M:4.0% 1Yr:27.0%) Market Quantile: 66.0% (3M:6.0% 1Yr:60.0%)

(13F reporting period:2024-12-31    Data last updated 2025-02-01 06:57:30 -0600 US CDT

Notes: Data summarized from Form 13F/13G/13D reports filed to the SEC.
Data is updated daily between 5am and 7am CDT (except holidays).
Corrections were automatically applied to holding values where per share price obviously deviates from market median.

Details of Holding Changes & Schedule 13G/D Filings

CLASS B    CSV download    

Filing Date Institution Operationa Reporting Period(last) Shares(last) Reporting Period Shares Value$1000 USD Holding Change%b Portfolio%c
2025-01-30 RHUMBLINE ADVISERS Acquire 2024-09-30 53508 2024-12-31 57207 1089 6.91% 0.0%
2025-01-29 ALLSPRING GLOBAL INVESTMENTS HOLDINGS, LLC Dispose 2024-09-30 80375 2024-12-31 53289 1014 -33.69% 0.0%
2025-01-28 EMPOWERED FUNDS, LLC Acquire 2024-12-31 91602 1743 100.0% 0.0%
2025-01-27 CREWE ADVISORS LLC Dispose 2024-09-30 45537 2024-12-31 20239 385 -55.54% 0.0%
2025-01-27 PRIVATE MANAGEMENT GROUP INC Acquire 2024-12-31 552325 10511 100.0% 0.0%
2025-01-17 SG AMERICAS SECURITIES, LLC Dispose 2024-09-30 28607 2024-12-31 17259 328 -39.66% 0.0%
2025-01-15 AMERITAS ADVISORY SERVICES, LLC Acquire 2024-12-31 23603 449 100.0% 0.01%
2024-11-15 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF OHIO Acquire 2024-09-30 27150 525 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-15 JANE STREET GROUP, LLC Acquire 2024-06-30 25634 2024-09-30 311304 6021 1114.42% 0.0%
2024-11-15 BARCLAYS PLC Acquire 2024-09-30 57663 1114 100.0% %
2024-11-14 PRICE T ROWE ASSOCIATES INC /MD/ Acquire 2024-09-30 13114 254 100.0% %
2024-11-14 SUSQUEHANNA INTERNATIONAL GROUP, LLP Acquire 2024-06-30 65280 2024-09-30 90368 1748 38.43% %
2024-11-14 HIGHTOWER ADVISORS, LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 19700 380 100.0% %
2024-11-14 LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP PLC Acquire 2024-06-30 18790 2024-09-30 22851 442 21.61% %
2024-11-14 CUBIST SYSTEMATIC STRATEGIES, LLC Acquire 2024-06-30 110453 2024-09-30 187374 3624 69.64% 0.0%
2024-11-14 CALIFORNIA STATE TEACHERS RETIREMENT SYSTEM Acquire 2024-06-30 19095 2024-09-30 25244 488 32.2% 0.0%
2024-11-14 MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC Restatement 2024-06-30 15096940 2024-09-30 15096940 291975 0.0% 100.0%
2024-11-14 ZACKS INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Acquire 2024-09-30 25288 489 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-14 HYPERION CAPITAL ADVISORS LP Restatement 2024-06-30 87959 2024-09-30 87959 1701 0.0% 0.12%
2024-11-14 TUDOR INVESTMENT CORP ET AL Acquire 2024-06-30 165485 2024-09-30 338565 6548 104.59% 0.0%
2024-11-14 CITADEL ADVISORS LLC Dispose 2024-06-30 1791625 2024-09-30 516446 9988 -71.16% 0.0%
2024-11-14 WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP Acquire 2024-06-30 1246157 2024-09-30 3715579 71859 198.16% 0.0%
2024-11-14 POINT72 ASSET MANAGEMENT, L.P. Dispose 2024-06-30 23218 2024-09-30 15452 299 -33.44% %
2024-11-14 D. E. SHAW & CO., INC. Acquire 2024-06-30 43568 2024-09-30 190590 3686 337.45% 0.0%
2024-11-14 KENNEDY CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 144171 2788 100.0% 0.0%
2024-11-14 ARROWSTREET CAPITAL, LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Acquire 2024-06-30 457835 2024-09-30 887701 17168 93.89% 0.0%
2024-11-14 ENGINEERS GATE MANAGER LP Acquire 2024-06-30 52485 2024-09-30 107085 2071 104.03% 0.0%
2024-11-14 WALLEYE CAPITAL LLC Acquire 2024-09-30 13939 270 100.0% %
2024-11-14 STATE OF WISCONSIN INVESTMENT BOARD Dispose 2024-06-30 190445 2024-09-30 184976 3577 -2.86% 0.0%
2024-11-14 MORGAN STANLEY Acquire 2024-06-30 335357 2024-09-30 2346292 45377 599.64% 0.0%

aHolding share amount reported in current period compare to previous period (or compare to the same period if it is an amendment filing). Values can be "Acquire", "Dispose", "Restatement", "Restatement(+)","Restatement(-)". "Restatement(+)/(-)" stands for modification (increase/decrease) to the same period that has been reported before.
b(Current Holding shares - Last or same period holding shares) / Last or same period holding shares x 100%. The value is 100% for records without last period of holding.
cThe percentage of holding value relative to portfolio total.
Note: values subject to change as new filings become available.

CLASS B    CSV download     realign column header

Filing Date Required Datea Filing Type Institution Issuer Name Aggregate Amount Pct Shrs Os (%) Sole Vtg Pow Shrd Vtg Pow Sole Dsp Pow Shrd Dsp Pow Shared Entityb Latest 13F Periodc Latest 13F Holdingd Operatione File Link
2024-11-08 2024-09-30 SC 13G WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 3715579 6.1 0 3410918 0 3715579 3 2024-09-30 3715579 no change Link
2024-11-08 2024-09-30 SC 13G WELLINGTON MANAGEMENT GROUP LLP HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 3561764 5.8 0 3332854 0 3561764 1 - - - Link
2024-05-09 2023-12-31 SC 13G/A MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 15096940 26.9 0 15096940 0 15096940 3 2023-12-31 15096940 no change Link
2024-05-09 2023-12-31 SC 13G/A MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 11255805 20.1 0 11255805 0 11255805 1 - - - Link
2024-05-09 2023-12-31 SC 13G/A MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 2397962 4.3 0 2397962 0 2397962 1 - - - Link
2024-05-09 2023-12-31 SC 13G/A MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 1375626 2.5 0 1375626 0 1375626 1 - - - Link
2024-05-09 2023-12-31 SC 13G/A MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 67547 0.1 0 67547 0 67547 1 - - - Link
2024-02-14 2023-12-31 SC 13G MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 15066940 26.9 0 15066940 0 15066940 3 2023-12-31 15096940 dsp Link
2024-02-14 2023-12-31 SC 13G MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 11225805 20.0 0 11225805 0 11225805 1 - - - Link
2024-02-14 2023-12-31 SC 13G MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 2397962 4.3 0 2397962 0 2397962 1 - - - Link
2024-02-14 2023-12-31 SC 13G MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 1375626 2.5 0 1375626 0 1375626 1 - - - Link
2024-02-14 2023-12-31 SC 13G MAGNITUDE CAPITAL, LLC HAMILTON INSURANCE GROUP, LTD. 67547 0.1 0 67547 0 67547 1 - - - Link

aDate of event which requires filing of this statement.
bThe number of entities that have exactly the same sole/shared voting/disposition power in the same 13G form.
cThe closest 13F filing period on or before the required date.
dThe holding shares reported in the closest 13F filing period on or before the required date.
eThe aggregated amount of shares reported in the 13G filing compare to the holding shares reported in the closest 13F filing (if any).
Note: The latest 13F holding shares and operation (as explained in superscript d and e, respectively) are for reference only, and subject to changes as new 13F filings become available. For a single 13G filing, only the largest aggregated amount is compared with 13F holding shares, others records (if any) are not compared and shown as short dash "-". When no 13F holding records were found, lastest 13F period/holding columns are blank.

Show up to 30 records per table for current tier. Download CSV to view up to 3000 records (Tier 1 and above. Access Guide)