PERLOWSKI JOHN 1513196 Data last updated 2025-02-01 06:40:02 -0600 US CDT
Latest Holdings
Notice: Data summarized from Form 3,4,5 filings, which do not include holdings/transactions of investment institution(s), if any, managed by the reporter.
no result found, please try other CIK or change filtering options
a Sum of same type of securities in the form
b Relative to reporter's shares owned before (disposition) or after (acquisition) operation
c Relative to issuer's shares outstanding (1/10000)
d Average price for securities of the same type. Check the original form for detailed prices of multiple transactions
e Documented shares outstanding closest to the transaction date
Note: Corporate may change mapped CIK when merge or spin-off happen. Please report error if the ticker you searched for does not have up-to-date insider trading information.
Show up to records per table for current tier. Access Guide)